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Page 85 of 1062 search results.


Stracathro Hospital, Susan Carnegie Centre, Rowan Unit (25 October 2023, unannounced)

… a good practice guide on care plans It is designed to help nurses and other clinical staff create person-centred …

Published 17 Jan, 2024 | .pdf, 160.5 KB


Rights, risks and limits to freedom

… harm And when should they intervene Our guidance aims to help with these difficult decisions by providing general … attitudes by staff do not encourage individuals to ask for help to move to another room or go to the toilet and can be … person concerned is confused fearful and refusing their help or when there are differences of opinion For example …

Published 18 Mar, 2021 | .pdf, 1.2 MB


Wishaw General University Hospital, Wards 1 and 2 (22 August 2019)

… has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in mental health services ensure that Patients …

Published 16 Oct, 2019 | .pdf, 124.8 KB


Midlothian Community Hospital, Glenlee Ward (18 June 2019)

… has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in mental health services ensure that patients …

Published 21 Aug, 2019 | .pdf, 143.4 KB


Signed annual accounts 2020

… We produced a Covid advice note regularly updated to help practitioners in the field ensure that any restrictions … be no legal precedent however the judicial record should help to prevent this situation from recurring across Scotland …

Published 6 Apr, 2021 | .pdf, 1.4 MB


Dudhope Young People's Unit (31 August 2021, announced)

… a good practice guide on care plans It is designed to help nurses and other clinical staff create person-centred … has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in mental health services ensure that Patients …

Published 17 Nov, 2021 | .pdf, 132.6 KB


Rowanbank Clinic

Published 15 Dec, 2015 | .pdf, 185.8 KB


Stobhill Hospital, Broadford Ward (3 August 2022, announced)

… a good practice guide on care plans It is designed to help nurses and other clinical staff create person-centred … under the Mental Health Act can choose someone to help protect their interests that person is called a named … has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in mental health services ensure that patients …

Published 19 Oct, 2022 | .pdf, 137.8 KB


Royal Edinburgh Hospital Hermitage Ward (14 August 2023, announced)

… a good practice guide on care plans It is designed to help nurses and other clinical staff create person-centred …

Published 18 Oct, 2023 | .pdf, 206.1 KB


Gartnavel Hospital, Claythorn House (9 January 2020, announced)

… a good practice guide on care plans It is designed to help nurses and other clinical staff create person-centred … has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in mental health services ensure that patients …

Published 18 Mar, 2020 | .pdf, 174.6 KB