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Page 42 of 1260 search results.


Udston Hospital, Brandon and Clyde Wards (25 May 2023, announced)

… plans were reflective of the discussions in the MDT Rights and restrictions Brandon and Clyde Wards have a locked … patient groups on the wards The Commission has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in … health services ensure that patients have their human rights respected at key points in their treatment This can be …

Published 16 Aug, 2023 | .pdf, 152.6 KB


AWI monitoring report 2022-23

… plans Meaningful activity Guardian supervision and contact Rights and restrictions Medication and section certificates … to individuals on guardianship orders to ensure their rights are upheld Key findings Part one statistical … the framework of legal safeguards in place to protect the rights of people subject to welfare guardianship orders …

Published 7 Dec, 2023 | .pdf, 2 MB


Moredun Ward, Murray Royal Hospital, 13 February 2019

… recommended they are located within the medication charts Rights and restrictions We heard about the work which was … all the adult admission wards The Commission has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in … health services ensure that patients have their human rights respected at key points in their treatment This can be …

Published 17 Apr, 2019 | .pdf, 78.4 KB


Powers of Attorney and their safeguards - full report

… is an independent organisation working to safeguard the rights and welfare of everyone with a mental illness learning …

Published 12 Feb, 2012 | .pdf, 746 KB


Fraserburgh Hospital, Brucklay Ward (11 March 2020, unannounced)

… in accordance with the AWI Code of Practice rd edition Rights and restrictions The ward door was secured by a magnet … place and reviewed regularly The Commission has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in … health services ensure that Patients have their human rights respected at key points in their treatment This can be …

Published 20 May, 2020 | .pdf, 154.6 KB


Royal Alexandra Hospital, Ward 37 (13 December 2022, unannounced)

… decision maker a copy of the powers granted are on file Rights and restrictions The ward continues to operate a … in their loved ones care The Commission has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in … health services ensure that Patients have their human rights respected at key points in their treatment This can be …

Published 15 Feb, 2023 | .pdf, 127.7 KB


Blythswood House (21 November 2021, announced)

… were in place in the paper files and were up to date Rights and restrictions Blythswood House continues to operate … least restriction is applied The Commission has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in … the staff one patient commented This place has turned my life around During the pandemic restrictions staff are …

Published 19 Jan, 2022 | .pdf, 179.8 KB


Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Henderson Ward (15 April 2024, unannounced)

… the importance and opportunities for supporting patients rights We did hear that there had been a high turnover in … Another person commented on feeling really involved in my care However we did hear from one individual that they … proxy decision maker was appointed they had been consulted Rights and restrictions Henderson Ward continues to operate a …

Published 19 Jun, 2024 | .pdf, 153.1 KB


Whyteman's Brae Hospital, Ravenscraig Ward (23 January 2020, announced)

… authorising treatment forms are accurate and in place Rights and restrictions We were advised that the door to … The majority of patients we spoke to were unsure of their rights both formal and informal Several patients explained … Scotland Act and those who are informal are aware of their rights when they are in hospital The Commission has developed …

Published 18 Mar, 2020 | .pdf, 131.6 KB


Dr Gray's Hospital, Ward 4 (15 October 2019, announced)

… completed and the Commission had received a copy of this Rights and restrictions The door to the ward was unlocked and … who was admitted on a voluntary basis and was aware of his rights felt that he could not just leave as he felt that he … is regular input to the ward The Commission has developed Rights in Mind This pathway is designed to help staff in …

Published 18 Dec, 2019 | .pdf, 133.2 KB