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Page 81 of 824 search results.


Lochlea House (10 November 2021, announced)

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 16 Mar, 2022 | .pdf, 173.5 KB


Gartnavel IPCU, 25 April 2019

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 17 Jul, 2019 | .pdf, 344 KB


Camus Tigh, 26 September 2018

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 16 Jan, 2019 | .pdf, 84.5 KB


University Hospital Wishaw, IPCU (30 August 2021, announced)

… where people are detained prevent illtreatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 17 Nov, 2021 | .pdf, 205.2 KB


Cedar and Hawthorn Wards, Orchard Clinic, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, 28 August 2018

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 21 Nov, 2018 | .pdf, 83.6 KB


Udston Hospital, Brandon and Clyde Wards (25 May 2023, announced)

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 16 Aug, 2023 | .pdf, 152.6 KB


Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Robert Fergusson Unit (12 July 2016)

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 12 Jul, 2016 | .pdf, 82.4 KB


New Craigs Hospital, Bruar Ward (16 May 2023, unannounced)

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 16 Aug, 2023 | .pdf, 135.2 KB


Muirview Ward, Stratheden Hospital, 21 August 2018

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 21 Nov, 2018 | .pdf, 85.4 KB


Gartnavel Hospital, Claythorn House (19 October 2021, announced)

… where people are detained prevent illtreatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 19 Jan, 2022 | .pdf, 179.7 KB