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Page 76 of 824 search results.


Bellsdyke Hospital, Hope House (6 February 2020, announced)

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 15 Apr, 2020 | .pdf, 194.8 KB


Forth Valley Royal Hospital IPCU (21 November 2019, unannounced)

… where people are detained prevent illtreatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 15 Jan, 2020 | .pdf, 128.9 KB


Royal Edinburgh Hospital IPCU (26 April 2016)

… paperwork administration Staff said that paper copies of detention papers are no longer kept in case notes as they are …

Published 26 Apr, 2016 | .pdf, 277.9 KB


REDU, St John's Hospital, 24 January 2019

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 17 Apr, 2019 | .pdf, 84.6 KB


Mid Argyll Hospital, Succoth Ward (14 June 2022, announced)

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 21 Sep, 2022 | .pdf, 124.9 KB


Stobhill Hospital, Munro Ward (8 June 2021, virtual)

… where people are detained prevent illtreatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 15 Sep, 2021 | .pdf, 153 KB


Ailsa Hospital, Clonbeith Ward (12 May 2021, announced)

… where people are detained prevent illtreatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 21 Jul, 2021 | .pdf, 152.7 KB


Rowanbank Clinic

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 15 Dec, 2015 | .pdf, 185.8 KB


Stratheden Hospital, Hollyview IPCU, 31 January 2017

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 14 Jun, 2017 | .pdf, 76.4 KB


Royal Alexandra Hospital, Ward 37 (13 December 2022, unannounced)

… where people are detained prevent ill-treatment and ensure detention is consistent with international standards When we …

Published 15 Feb, 2023 | .pdf, 127.7 KB