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Page 76 of 972 search results.


10 May 2016

… AWI Consultation The consultation response was noted SG Dementia Strategy Paper Gary Morrison will give an update The …

Published 10 May, 2016 | .pdf, 26.5 KB


Leverndale Hospital, Banff Ward (3 November 2021, announced)

… care plans for people with mental ill health dementia or learning disability and can be found at https www …

Published 22 Dec, 2021 | .pdf, 182.2 KB


Carseview Centre, Learning Disability Assessment Unit (24 May & 15 June 2022, announced)

… care plans for people with mental ill health dementia or learning disability and can be found at https www …

Published 19 Oct, 2022 | .pdf, 148.1 KB


Woodland View, Ward 7 (2 June 2021, announced)

… care plans for people with mental ill health dementia or learning disability and can be found at https www …

Published 15 Sep, 2021 | .pdf, 162.7 KB


Cumbernauld Community Mental Health Team (22 August 2023, announced)

… care plans for people with mental ill health dementia or learning disability and can be found at https www …

Published 15 Nov, 2023 | .pdf, 191.6 KB


Dykebar Hospital, South Ward (17 November 2022, announced)

… care plans for people with mental ill health dementia or learning disability and can be found at https www …

Published 18 Jan, 2023 | .pdf, 145.7 KB


Leverndale Hospital, Mother and Baby Unit (29 November 2021, announced)

… care plans for people with mental ill health dementia or learning disability and can be found at https www …

Published 16 Mar, 2022 | .pdf, 162.9 KB


Gartnavel Royal Hospital, Tate Ward (15 February 2023, announced)

… care plans for people with mental ill health dementia or learning disability and can be found at https www …

Published 19 Apr, 2023 | .pdf, 153.4 KB


Dr Gray's Hospital, Ward 4 (21 May 2021, announced)

… care plans for people with mental ill health dementia or learning disability and can be found at https www …

Published 15 Sep, 2021 | .pdf, 159 KB


Great Western Lodge (26 October 2022, announced)

… care plans for people with mental ill health dementia or learning disability and can be found at https www …

Published 21 Dec, 2022 | .pdf, 195.5 KB