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Page 21 of 325 search results.


Rights in mind booklet

… are detained in hospital under the Mental Health Care and Treatment Act or to informal patients patients who are being … this with the team providing care An explanation of their treatment its benefits and its side effects in a way they are … officer to explain their rights for short-term detentions compulsory treatment orders and where possible for emergency …

Published 24 May, 2017 | .pdf, 497.3 KB


Murray Royal Hospital, Garry and Tummel Wards (30 & 31 January 2023, announced)

… are both -bedded wards for the purposes of assessment and treatment for people with dementia On the day of our visit … Who we met with During our visit we reviewed the care and treatment of patients and we also met five relatives We spoke … Ward and four in Garry Ward When a patient is subject to compulsory measures under the Mental Health Act we would …

Published 19 Apr, 2023 | .pdf, 161 KB


Leverndale Hospital, Ward 4B (5 May 2022, announced)

… were either on short term detention certificates or compulsory treatment orders On the day of our visit there were patients … may be given to those patients who are subject to compulsory measures who are either capable or incapable of …

Published 17 Aug, 2022 | .pdf, 143.4 KB


Leverndale Hospital, Wards 3a and 3b (28 November 2023, announced)

… individuals and staff and listen to their views on care treatment and the environment Who we met with We met with and … art therapy relaxation gardening and walking groups Care treatment support and participation Relatives we spoke with … which treatment may be given to individuals subject to compulsory measures who are either capable or incapable of …

Published 17 Jan, 2024 | .pdf, 185.8 KB


Stobhill Hospital, Broadford ward, 4 July 2017

… Who we met with We met with and or reviewed the care and treatment of seven patients We spoke with the senior charge … Nursing Officer What people told us and what we found Care treatment support and participation All the interactions … were visible on the ward Patients who were not subject to compulsory treatment were also encouraged to contact advocacy …

Published 20 Sep, 2017 | .pdf, 73.4 KB


Blackford Ward, IPCU, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, 22 January 2019

… separate high dependency suite An IPCU provides intensive treatment and interventions to patients who present an … Who we met with We met with and or reviewed the care and treatment of five patients We spoke with the senior charge … paperwork pertaining to short-term detention orders and compulsory treatment orders was located on the electronic …

Published 17 Apr, 2019 | .pdf, 82.4 KB


Leverndale Hospital, Ward 4A (5 May 2022, announced)

… were either on short term detention certificates or compulsory treatment orders there were seven patients who were informal … may be given to those patients who are subject to compulsory measures who are either capable or incapable of …

Published 17 Aug, 2022 | .pdf, 170.1 KB

Content page

Deaths in detention reviews

… deaths of people who were being detained for care and treatment under these Acts. While these decisions will always … for investigating deaths of people who are subject to compulsory care and treatment. Different areas have different … for investigating deaths of people who are subject to compulsory care and treatment. Different areas have different …

Last updated 23 Nov, 2022


The use of the Mental Health Act in Scotland during the Covid-19 pandemic

… who have needed to be treated against their will using compulsory measures under the Mental Health Care and Treatment Scotland Act the Mental Health Act We look at … the impact on those who are mentally unwell and required compulsory care and treatment Whilst this is a statistical …

Published 29 Jul, 2021 | .pdf, 1.5 MB


Capacity, Detention, Supported Decision Making and Mental Ill Health

… should still be covered by the Mental Health Care and Treatment Act The Commission and other organisations have … the UNCRPD has issued a general statement saying that all compulsory treatment for people with a mental disorder should … the week it is who is the prime minister it wasn t funny Compulsory treatment order People did comment on who they …

Published 31 May, 2017 | .pdf, 198 KB