Homepage Publications


We produce a range of publications, for professionals, people with mental ill health and families/carers. You can download them from our website. We have copies of some materials – contact us to enquire.


Equality outcomes progress report 2023

18 Jul, 2024 | .pdf, 1.4 MB


Racial inequality and mental health in Scotland: a call to action - closure report

21 Nov, 2022 | .pdf, 1.6 MB

The purpose of this closure report on our publication Racial inequality and mental health in Scotland: a call to action is to assess whether the Commission has achieved its objectives (including outcomes, learning, quality and impact) and completed all deliverables on time and as planned, and summarises the findings and recommendations made in the report and identify the organisations and individuals to whom the recommendations were made.


LGBT inclusive mental health services

18 Aug, 2022 | .pdf, 1.2 MB

A guide for health professionals and mental health services on LGBT patients.


Racial inequality and mental health in Scotland

23 Sep, 2021 | .pdf, 2 MB

We wanted to explore how well Scotland’s mental health sector performs in relation to racial equality.

To address this we looked at six themes: ethnicity and detention under the Mental Health Act; the views of people with lived experience; the experience and training of Scotland’s mental health services workforce; racial equality in that workforce; and recording and reporting of ethnicity across mental health services; including in the Commission’s own work.


Equality outcomes and mainstreaming progress report

17 May, 2018 | .pdf, 84.7 KB


Equality outcomes and how we plan to achieve them

17 May, 2018 | .pdf, 58.8 KB

This document sets out our agreed equalities outcomes and plans.


Working with an interpreter

28 Feb, 2018 | .pdf, 626.2 KB

A toolkit for Staff on the use of interpreters in mental health and learning disability settings. Developed in partnership with the Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies in Scotland, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.


Scottish Government Consultation on the Draft Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill

16 Mar, 2017 | .pdf, 22.6 KB

The Commission's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the Draft Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill.


Response to the Equality and Human Rights Commission on single measurement framework

28 Feb, 2017 | .pdf, 804.6 KB

Our response to the Equality and Human Rights Commission's consultation on a single measurement framework.


Equality report 2012/13

7 Mar, 2014 | .pdf, 770.1 KB

Our report on our equality monitoring in 2012/13.


Equality report 2011-12

22 Aug, 2012 | .pdf, 191.3 KB

A special report on equality in our monitoring of mental health and incapacity law in 2011-12.


Respecting Diversity 03-04

1 Jan, 2004 | .pdf, 553.3 KB

Themed visit report aiming to contribute to awareness and debate of issues affecting black and minority ethnic service users.