Homepage Latest news A third of patients in hospital learning disability services face long delays for discharge

A third of patients in hospital learning disability services face long delays for discharge

Publication date: 24 Feb, 2016

Almost a third (32%) of patients in learning disability units in Scotland's hospitals have been identified as ready for discharge, but are not discharged for months or years.

The situation varies across health board areas. Those with the largest number of beds have the largest numbers of people waiting to leave hospital. In NHS Lothian, 46% of patients, amounting to 17 people, are in hospital when they no longer need hospital care.

In total, 58 people with learning disabilities are awaiting discharge in Scotland, from a total of 180 inpatients.

These figures appear in a report published today by the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland.

The Commission visited all hospital units for people with learning disability in Scotland excluding forensic services, examining the records of 104 people (over half of all inpatients), meeting with 46 patients individually and hearing from 47 of their carers and relatives.

Some patients had been waiting in hospital for years, with one patient waiting to be discharged for almost nine years at the time of the Commission's visit.

In addition to discharge delays, the report looked at patients' quality of life, and found many good points, but also found that the biggest problem was lack of space for facilities in hospital units, such as therapeutic kitchens so that patients can be supported with skills to help them live in the community. Some units were also poorly maintained.

Colin McKay, chief executive of the Mental Welfare Commission, said:

"The main reasons for delays in discharge were lack of funding, lack of accommodation, lack of an appropriate care provider, or a combination of these issues.

"We understand that some people need complex care and support, which can take time to put in place. But a hospital is not designed to be a home, and having people stay for years in a hospital environment, often without all the facilities they should have, is not acceptable.

"We're calling for the Scottish Government, as a matter of urgency, to work with the new integrated joint boards to end these long delays in discharge, and to ensure all learning disability inpatient units are fit for purpose."

The majority of care and treatment plans for people with learning disability in hospital were good. Most patients had a good programme and reasonable range of activities in and out of the hospital.

Families and carers were generally very complimentary about the services, including being made to feel welcome, visiting arrangements, communication with staff, and involvement in reviews.

Notes to editors

The Mental Welfare Commission visited the hospital units between August and October 2015.

The report makes 18 recommendations to the Scottish Government, NHS Boards and service managers.

Although not directly comparable due to differences in collecting the data, when the Commission last visited these services, in 2011, the overall level of delayed discharge was 22%.

Mary Mowat: 0131 313 8786

Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland