Publication date: 18 Jul, 2019
The highest number of visits were to NHS wards for adult acute mental health, at 33%.
After each visit, the Commission publishes a report. Most of these reports contain recommendations for improvement, and service managers generally have three months to respond to the recommendations. From the 107 separate visits in the year, the Commission made 278 recommendations for improvement in 2018.
The largest number of recommendations related to care planning, review, and person-centred care, at 28%.
The environment in which people were being treated was the second highest reason for a recommendation for improvement, at 14%.
Alison Thomson, executive director (nursing) at the Commission, said:
Twelve per cent of the Commission's recommendations related to the use of mental health legislation - an increase of six per cent on the previous year. Most of these recommendations related to documentation and consent to treatment provisions of the Mental Health Act.