Publication date: 2 Dec, 2016
Colin McKay, chief executive of the Mental Welfare Commission, said:
Background notes
The Scottish Government Delivery Plan for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Fairer Scotland for Disabled People was published today. It states that the Government will
The 2003 Mental Health Act provides the legal framework for dealing with people with mental ill health who need compulsory detention or treatment. When it was under development there was considerable debate on whether learning disability and autism should be included. It was decided to include learning disability in the Act, and that learning disability should be considered to include autism spectrum disorder.
It was anticipated that the arrangement should be reviewed at an early opportunity. There has been no review to date.
The Adults with Incapacity Act sets out procedures to allow financial, welfare and medical decisions to be taken for adults with learning disabilities, dementia or mental health problems. The Government commitment to review incapacity law follows proposals from the Scottish Law Commission.
Responding to the Government consultation on these proposals, the Commission joined with other bodies in calling for a comprehensive reform of the system of welfare guardianship.
Jamie Wilson 0131 313 8782